It may be best to just skip $FileData entirely in those cases.
At a customer the cronJob app often gets state STOPPED. I have looked trough all the access log on the 6 cluster nodes and found no entry for application stop. I think this is an important thing to lo…
This can not be done from the SFMC web app if said Data Extension is "non sendable".
Such deletions can be done via the API (we've [successfully tested this](https://bugzilla.mozill…
As seen in ncb000gt/node.bcrypt.js#122, there's an error building native modules on Windows x64. I see the same error when build node-proxy, node-mailer, and others.
npm install bcrypt
> …
[setImmediate](http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webperf/raw-file/tip/specs/setImmediate/Overview.html) is a W3C proposal for efficiently scheduling an event and yielding to the event loop. If vert.x were to impl…
There are cases where there is nothing to be gained by having the images link to a larger version of themselves and having them show as links when you hover leads to confusion when you click on it thi…
Check if page conributions can be executed for mappings
postProcess: true ?
I'm curious if there is anything missing in `prettier-atom` to support [plugins](https://prettier.io/docs/en/plugins.html). After locally installing `prettier` and [`prettier-plugin-elm`](https://gith…
``` sh
[jollychang@WilliamMBP node-canvas]$ node --version
[jollychang@WilliamMBP node-canvas]$ npm --version
[jollychang@WilliamMBP node-canvas]$ npm install -g canvas
npm http GET ht…
In short, an untested patch during business hours from Squiz caused the failure of SSJS across our sites, breaking all of our sites. The patch was reversed, but we're now faced with the bigger issue …