I want to host streets-gl on my local machine. How can i create the [elevation tiles from Esri](https://github.com/StrandedKitty/streets-gl?tab=readme-ov-file#%EF%B8%8F-data-sources) for self-hosting?…
In the latest version of Kepler, MapLibre is used for base map rendering. Previously, I used Mapbox style URLs, such as:
1. mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10
2. mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11
I read about Streets of Sim City getting a few updates. I was wondering if there could be a Linux/Flatpak/Flathub/AppImage port compatible build, maybe even a different version.
- Motion detection at camera is over sensitive so I need to add masks to prevent false signals from area where motion is not necessarily important to track (e.g trees, outside streets), you want camer…
The discussion in this issue is related to the documentation _From Way-Sections to Triangles_ in issue #39. Starting from way-sections, neighboring or otherwise relevant triangles have to be found to …
This will become a rough description of the process pipeline from way-sections to triangles, including the most important data model charts. I will edit this post several times until the pipeline desc…
In the current version of _road_polygons.py_ there exists a mixture of different approaches, where and how way-sections are stored. These are the result of the development history and certainly need t…
A solution is sought for the processing of way-islands that are not connected to the rest of the way-section graph.
It's required to join buildings with shared edges to triangulate the area within a graph-cycle.
Buildings that share only one vertex can't be processed by PyGEOS.
The N/S section of SE 172nd between Sunnyside and Hwy 212 (ZIP 97015) renders incorrectly around level 9-10. There's also some kind of artifact on Rock Creek Blvd. extending to the West at 11-12.