I am having difficulties making the plugin work.
On Sublime startup, with `debug` parameter to "true" the console give me this stack trace:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/…
Subclim commands not working for me. When I hit ctr+alt+i or ctr+alt+space an error is printed in console. I'm using ST3 and dclim 2.3.2
Writing file /Users/anderson/Desktop/Hello.java with encoding …
For example, I tried with https://github.com/phadej/splitmix, where it has
benchmark comparison
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: bench
Hello There!
Whenever I try to `Clojure Sublime: Evaluate` I see the following error on my sublime console
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Content…
## Performance issue when frequently modifying view settings
Recently I am working on a package with the following `sublime_plugin.ViewEventListener`
class FooBar(sublime_plugin.ViewE…
Sublime Text 3 (3211)
Latest Version of sublime-ide-r, LSP, and R 4.0.1
Each time that I enable disable LSP for a project or Globally I get the following:
Traceback (most recent call …
This doesn't seem compatible with ST4;
LSP-serenata: Server is installed at /home/jellyfrog/.config/sublime-text/Cache/LSP-serenata/serenata.phar.
Unable to start lsp-serenata
I would love to use this extension for developing my websites but i'm struggling with installing it into my chrome browser, i'm getting "No active editor". Using ST 3, packages installed & using…
___Stack trace___
reloading plugin StringEncode.string_encode
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/sublime_text/sublime_plugin.py", line 109, in reload_plugin
m = importlib.i…
I don't know if it is related but after the most recent update of Sublime Text I can't Build or Upload to the board. It used to work like a charm.
Here is the error that I am getting: