## Use Cases:
* As a data engineer, I need to transform FHIR Observations to a flattened DataFrame with Observation Codes as columns for analysis and reporting purposes.
* As a UI developer, I nee…
@DevDef thanks for reporting this issue https://github.com/paradoxxxzero/gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet/issues/359
I'll try to see how I can fix the remaining bits. I moved the conversation over…
I'm matching raw CPS microdata from 2013-15 to the `tc` cps.csv file using the `h_seq`, `ffpos`, and `a_lineno` variables. I do a second round of matching off of the `a_spouse` variable in the CPS mic…
Bonjour Colin,
Tout d'abord, je tiens à te remercier pour ce programme qui m'a permis de récupérer mes traces sur ma montre OnMove200.
La OnMove200 permet de faire des laps manuels, et aussi des fra…
This issue relates to #23 and #55. What is the extent of QUDT's units coverage as compared to SWEET? Could QUDT be imported--either partially (modular) or entirely--instead of having replication?
Here is an example about how the logging looks like today:
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss: a...
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss: > b...
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss: > > c...
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss: call to the simple sim…
The amount of defined-contribution (DC) pension contributions (`pencon_p` for the tax unit head and `pencon_s` for the tax unit spouse when married filing jointly) seems too low, primarily because ver…
Currently DCD is using bytes to specify the cursor position. Is it possible to add support for specifying the cursor position using line and column number? The reason is because TextMate only gives th…
A mirror of this issue