Not sure if it is actually a tetrahedral mesh saving problem - it is.
@araex found that the 'Save Project' is called SceneIO at the MITK level and write for unstructured grids is missing.
- this could work both for volumes and regular geometry
- i thought there's a ticke…
The WriteField Module in SCIRun 4 also has a .mat writing problem. The reason that the files cannot be read is:
"Matrix 'tetmesh' cannot be translated into a SCIRun Field (one of the dimensions of fi…
I would like to deform 3D volume using Biharmonic Coordinates. Is the Biharmonic
Coordinates in libigl extensible to a tetmesh ?
It seems that performing a continue run of a kcode calculation with a tetmesh tally is different than for a fixed source problem. In fixed source if the simulation did not complete, but there are tall…
Hi, I experimented with the pre-built executable you provided and since it worked well I wanted to try integrating this library into an application I'm developing. Initially I would just like to use i…
Make any multi-block mesh in CUBIT, mesh it with tets, and then use 'refine volume # depth #' once, save the mesh and attempt to run this with more than 8 mpi processes and you will get a seg fault 11…
Running a workflow with variadics, for some workflows these errors are thrown:
``` python
INFO RDFLib Version: 4.1.2
Process PoolWorker-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\l…
C:\dev\msml\examples\BunnyExample>python c:\dev\msml\src\msml.py exec bunny.msml
.xml -e sofa
WARNING Could not import 'MiscMeshOperatorsPython`. This is a C++-Modul. Have y
ou successfully comp…
A lot of error message are produced:
E-0000: Parameter id of Element linearElasticMaterial is not specified in definition. (from base.py:930)
E-0000: Parameter id of Element mass is not specified…