parameter& Dataset :
* Dataset : Sejong University building( in Seoul ) Image Dataset
* input image size : ( 128,128,3 )
* base model : VGG16( pretrained weights : 'imagenet')
* netVLAD clusterin…
I encountered issue when using triplet loss to train the images with ResNet and InceptionV3. I believe I'm not the only one, according to [this](https://github.com/keras-team/keras/issues/11927) keras…
I'm trying to use triplet loss train resnet on arbitrary datasets but I can't. When I train mnist using your repo, I see fraction_positive decreasing over time but then, for resnet it goes up instead.…
Hi, thanks for your amazing work!but I encountered some problems while reproducing the work .The training loss became nan during training process. If there are possible solutions to my problem? Thanks…
First of all, the work is very instructive, thank you! As a novice to scene graph generation, my current research requires methods to extract information from images using scene graph generation. So I…
I have a dataset image here, how could I fine-tune model with my dataset using triplet loss?
I want to know your reference(paper) about triplet loss.
Can you give me the paper you refer to? facenet??
When computing the triplet_loss your function outputs 350 while it should output 528
I've been doing some experiments with your batch hard triplet loss function and different architectures/datasets. On MARS I manage to reproduce the results from your paper (network seems to converge),…
when I use --train-sampler RandomIdentitySampler to perform hardming in the triplets_loss, the model can not reach the convergence (the entropy loss keep constant). Have you met this problem? Should I…