At [https://github.com/uhppoted/uhppoted-app-wild-apricot/blob/master/README.md#credentialsjson](url)
Documentation states wild apricot account id is stored under `account`, when the code is actual…
In description of store-acl, in example it says 'get-acl'
[https://github.com/uhppoted/uhppote-cli#store-acl ](https://github.com/uhppoted/uhppote-cli#store-acl)
uhppote-cli --debug get-devices
... using default configuration from C:\ProgramData\uhppoted\uhppoted.conf
ERROR: Door '' is defined more than once in configuration
My config file C:\Pr…
i think that you forgot add "dgram" and "os" as dependencies?
Btw all test give me "ERROR Error: bind EADDRNOTAVAIL" (my device is in that ip)
Hi, I just found your project its really great i just dont find anywhere the info on where to config the mqtt connection to my broker is there any info that i could have not found.
Thanks in advance …
Thanks so much for the effort you have put into this! I was blown away when I found this project.
One issue I have noticed while testing the uhppote-cli is that opening or closing a door (fi…
From console log while investigating https://github.com/uhppoted/node-red-contrib-uhppoted/issues/1:
5 Dec 13:35:25 - [warn] [set-door-control:set-door-control] uhppoted::Error: invalid door c…
I can't get the "listen" node to work, it doesn't receive any events.
**This mqtt setup works:**
I've a working mqtt Env:
UT0311-L0x.223195309.address =
With the docker version of `uhppote-simulator`, on Ubuntu 20.10:
1. Start the _simulator_ docker container:
> docker run --interactive --net=host --name simulator --rm simulator
2. Set the _sim…
i dont can find my Access Controller.
I reach them by typing: in Browser.
But in the Config Node i don´t can find him.
What i make wrong.