We have a SwiftUI-ish declarative API built on top of UIKit from pre SwiftUI days, and have evolved it to use resultBuilder APIs. We have a result builder that type checks fine, but a…
## T
* A brief bug description:
* Stack trace:
`UIKit`-[UICollectionViewData _setLayoutAttributes:atGlobalItemIndex:]:
0x18da1a5e8 : stp d15, d14, [sp, #-160]!
Currently, this lib forces the cross axis size of a cell to match that of the collection view. The App Store has another type of horizontally peeking collection view where multiple cells are displayed…
using ```NSLayoutConstraint.autoSetPriority(.init(rawValue: 900)) {}```
to setup some constrains with a specific priority makes the application crash if the constrains are set on a Collecti…
# AutoLayout 学习
[Auto Layout Guide](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AutolayoutPG/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010853-CH7-SW1) 苹果官方文档
# 什…
# 진행 내용
## 김주영(3/29)
* 앱의 수명 주기를 실제 앱 사용 케이스에 빗대어 설명할 수 있다.
* 예) 앱을 실행할 때, BG로 내릴 때, 알림센터를 표시할 때 등
* 앱 시닝(app thinning)의 개념을 알고 있다.
* Bit code
* App slicing
* On-demand Resource
* URL sch…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Many times someone posts something, I want to show them my appreciation, or give them a thumbs up. However, I don't want to do t…
### Describe the Bug:
Thank you so much for creating this incredible library!
I recently upgraded from version 2.19.2 to the latest (2.19.7). While I’m glad that some of the iOS 18-related bugs ha…
The title says it all:
## 1. Scroll to top
"type": "$scroll",
"options": {
"position": "top"
## 2. Scroll to bottom
"type": "$scroll",