# 在 Linux 6.6 上使用 Intel DG1 GPU 加速视频编解码 - Harry Chen's Blog
最近利用手头的闲暇计算资源攒了个 NAS,运行 TrueNAS 系统,并使用 Jellyfin 作为流媒体播放平台。Jellyfin 会根据客户端(通常是浏览器)的情况(如网络、硬件等)决定是否要对视频进行重新编解码。但即使是分配了 64 核的 7742,也对高码率的 HEVC…
For me, the video page (http://diveintohtml5.info/video.html) is the most important, but it is now so large that it is overwhelming. Most of the bulk of this page is on the various options for encodin…
I am trying to run the demo(simple.html) though I understand the legal concern for encoding mp4.
Everything is fine till I change the width to 1080 and the height to 1920. Then no file is pr…
In general, aiming for:
1mbps, 720x480, h.264, 30 fps, no audio, mp4
(or as close to that as possible or lower bitrate/size)
Android app will need to make sure phone supports chosen resolution
[Vulkan Video extensions](https://www.khronos.org/blog/an-introduction-to-vulkan-video) were announced earlier this year and GPU vendors are working on the support. At the time of writing, [this](http…
zmerp updated
2 years ago
I want to ask you about encoding my video file (YUV format), that the file is on the SD Card. I want do encoding its with HEVC (h265) by Petalinux and the result of encoding will be put in the SD…
## Describe your issue
In the current planning of the project, the web platform will both allow monitoring the different devices and the way they are starting applications and game sessions, as wel…
Please, add support of vulkan. The opengl now is legacy 3d api. The vulkan is newer one. Vulkan also used for video encoding and run some neural networks also.
I'm trying to connect a Canon camera to a M350 via the PSDK. However, I'm struggling with the live view, with the following message
Encoding frame 5
Encoded with frameSize=34929
hey bro, is there a way to use this tool as an videoplayer for bad quality films. letz say i have a bad video with low resolution, and i want to watch it with high quality in real time, not encoding t…