[I]shb-m1pro: Downloads/MFC $ ./mfc.sh test -j 8
[mfc.sh]: Entering the Python virtual environment (venv).
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When building MicroFC on Phoenix (CPU), I ran into the following warnings.
I expect they also show up with MFC.
After reading the code, it feels that the structure `ShallowWaterModel` in `src/Models/ShallowWaterModels/shallow_water_model.jl` uses the same parameter `T` for both `clock :: Clock{T}` and `g…
Instability found in following solution, what could be causing this?
using ModelingToolkit, MethodOfLines, DomainSets, OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots
using IfElse
# Define the system of …
I tried to reproduce the case of S.Sembian(2016), but icfl condition in the run_time.inf became _infinity_ . And all the physical quantities including alpha, pressure, velocity also became _in…
This isn't a huge issue but I've noticed recently that often the shallow water regression tests on GPU fail with the following error:
Shallow Water Bickley jet simulation [GPU, ConservativeFor…
When running a relatively complex, but small simulation, I'm getting errors on the GPU that I can't make sense of. It's hard to come up with a minimum working example that's truly small because the er…
Our module files are simply too long, no matter how you think about the code abstractions.
I suggest that modules should not be longer than 1000 lines, though much shorter or somewhat longer could…
(Sorry if posting an issue is not the right way to request help on AMR-WIND usage; I failed to find an alternate way)
I'm looking into AMR-WIND in the context of in situ analysis/visualization with…
The example below creates a simulation with a rotated gravity vector, a background buoyancy field that's just a stratified background with linear stratification and it starts everything off with some …