Would it be possible to increase the character limit of citation remarks? While we would not always use remarks and don’t plan to copy verbatim text into remarks normally, there would sometimes be cas…
if Wikitree property is set and images is empty try to fetch a image from Wikitree
using a nodeJS equivilant to `json_decode(file…
I was exploring 'Ancestors' on Wikitree, with different persons. The resulting visualization for most cases were fine. However, I get the following error:
`Error processing data, please try again` …
Language needs to be added to the caching setting, and make sure it works, default la…
Error: invalid entity id: u…
https://dataprick.github.io/wikitree/public/?q=Q9682&level=5&type=descendants&orientation=North&lang=en will show princess Eugenie https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q165709 twice. I assume this is due to …
Python 3.8 on Win10 raises warnings when using `PYTHONDEVMODE=1`:
C:\Program Files\Python39\lib\site-packages\beartype\_util\hint\pep\utilhintpeptest.py:367: BeartypeDecorHintPepDeprecatedWarn…
https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikioverdata/wikitree/public/?q=Q3752663&level=5&type=descendants&orientation=North&lang=en&options[socialmedia]=on Donald Trump Jr. appears twice.
below owns, there should be a way to add something manually, with autocomplete
https://angryloki.github.io/wikidata-graph-builder/ See that, field traversal property
The data structure already all…