I read 2 files using deserializer reader in BrainScript. One is the feature-label file which contains multiple samples, the other is the dictionary file which contains only 1 vector that record the fr…
您好,我訓練完成後,可以使用單個字作為 seed,但不知如何傳一段中文字串作為 seed,希望可以指點一下迷津,謝謝~
The `WordEmbeddingsAnnotator` currently only annotates tokens with a `WordEmbedding` annotation for which embeddings are available. Unknown tokens just don't receive any annotation. Generally, I see t…
...into several smaller pieces. Gazetteers can go in one; brown clusters (and maybe other clusters) in another. This may help reduce the problems with large dependencies in CI.
Hello, First i really appreciate your work. My programming skills in C# is not good therefore apology in advance if question seems to your good-self stupid.
when i copile the source i got the error in…
Hello again @zhongkaifu ,
Testing the latest version, after training, if I try to tag a file, I get the following crash:
Without WORDEMBEDDING_FILENAME , it works nice. The emmbed was created in Tex…