Unfortunately deno.land/x/ has not been syncing the last few days, but accept for the moment that this test concerns https://deno.land/x/sheetjs@v0.18.4/xlsx.mjs
This is a systemic issue affecting …
# 何为数据
- 数据:原始
- 信息:有价值的数据集合
- 知识:可决策的数据依据
# 关键与难点
- 关键步骤:明确分析目的;
- 最耗时:数据清洗;
- 最难:建模分析;
# 数据分析的一般步骤
- 明确目的和思路:金字塔法、生命周期理论、逻辑树分析法、5W2H;
- 数据收集:库、网、
- 数据处理:提取有价值的数据;
- 数据分析:提取有价值的信息,形成有效结论的…
## 使 WPS 个人版 支持文件管理器中预览窗格
WPS 专业版,`*.doc`,`*.xls`,`*.ppt`等文档支持 Win 文件管理器预览窗格预览。但是,个人版默认不支持预览。
### 创建`inf`文件并导入注册表项
> 注意:
> 1. 创建并保存`inf`文件为`ANSI`编码。(Win11 默认保存为 `UTF-8`)
> 1. 根据实际情况修改`WPS_PA…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. import pyodbc;
2. conn=pyodbc.connect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};
3. Error output:
Error: ('HY000', "[HY000…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. import pyodbc;
2. conn=pyodbc.connect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};
3. Error output:
Error: ('HY000', "[HY000…
I have an error in execution this module for reading access file.
{"code":-2146824582,"message":"Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed."}
what is that mean?
When I make the call to `ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(Stream stream)`, which stream contains the contents to a 50mb excel file - a total of 800 mb gets eaten up by that call (halting execution whi…
Our CRAN page is a little noisier than usual.
* [x] String pointer warning
* [x] Oldrel errors with MacOS
* [x] compiler warn…
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What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. import pyodbc;
2. conn=pyodbc.connect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};
3. Error output:
Error: ('HY000', "[HY000…