Looks like [ProgramCall.addParam](https://github.com/IBM/nodejs-itoolkit/blob/master/lib/ProgramCall.js#L47) Could be simplified by creating another function that handles adding data structure paramet…
// JC3のHTMLソースを取得
// ※HTMLソース全体を使用するとXmlServiceによるパースでエラーが発生するため、
// 必要な箇所だけ使用するようにしている
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(jc3Url);
var NewsAreaSecti…
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/litmis/db2sock/issue/10) by Steven Scott (Bitbucket: [fresche_sscott](https://bitbucket.org/fresche_sscott), GitHub: Unknown).**
Here is the test case for the popup to display xml text.
is there a way to pass variables with addParm of ipgm call instead of quoted values. I checked the documentation, but the examples show using quoted strings for passing values.
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/litmis/nodejs-itoolkit/issue/9) by Torbjørn Høivik (Bitbucket: [torban91](https://bitbucket.org/torban91), GitHub: Unknown).**
We're trying to call Stored Procedures when connecting to a remote system (DRDA) instead of *LOCAL. We're using prepare(), bind(), execute(), fetchAll(). The execute() works and am getting the expecte…
Send email workflow can't email due to an error:
There was a problem sending an email to "valid@email.com" from Workflow for Form "Test form" with id "xyz" for Record with unique id "abc".
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/litmis/nodejs-itoolkit/issue/10) by Anonymous.**
# Updated (by Aaron)
Migrate [developerWorks](https://www.ibm.com…