The java api yacks a "java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero" error if
the MemcachedClient is started with no servers.
The MemcachedClient constructor should fail-fast if the List or Array of
The java api yacks a "java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero" error if
the MemcachedClient is started with no servers.
The MemcachedClient constructor should fail-fast if the List or Array of
The java api yacks a "java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero" error if
the MemcachedClient is started with no servers.
The MemcachedClient constructor should fail-fast if the List or Array of
The java api yacks a "java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero" error if
the MemcachedClient is started with no servers.
The MemcachedClient constructor should fail-fast if the List or Array of
The java api yacks a "java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero" error if
the MemcachedClient is started with no servers.
The MemcachedClient constructor should fail-fast if the List or Array of
The java api yacks a "java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero" error if
the MemcachedClient is started with no servers.
The MemcachedClient constructor should fail-fast if the List or Array of
Hello! Cool tool, I'm excited about using it. I installed it and PhantomJS (via macports) and get this result:
$ pageres http://www.nationalgeographic.com 320x480 1024x768 1366x768
combs updated
9 years ago
I'm trying to use a Sidekiq job to send the raven events, which means I need to serialize the Raven::Event and deserialize it before sending.
I see there's a "to_hash" method but no "from_hash".
I t…
WeakMap is not completely polyfillable but its core feature is that data can be garbage collected once an object is collected. Implementing this feature should be possible by using a non-enumerable ra…
mgol updated
10 years ago
We can host python videos with pyvideo's rackspace service.
You can see an example script for uploading files here,