#### catch(Error)中Error是什么.
const {config, request, response} = error;
I am running basically the same code as the examples, but some of the request will successfully return data but some will fail. This is the code I have:
async function getPoolInfo() {
1. [Axios 如何缓存请求数据?](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jdMdnaT5ZvXWEohtIom6WA)
2. [如何取消请求](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI2MjcxNTQ0Nw==&mid=2247490691&idx=1&sn=744d508a6fad61ed5f692a0901fd328c&scene=21…
**Issue Details**
Installed latest appium version 2.12.1 and device farm plugin 9.4.5. Started appium server with appium device farm plugin enabled.
Connected to local host device farm URL (http:…
In this line, for JSON-type responses, it's returning a string. This isn't a problem because Axi…
I use axios redux-axios-middleware packages in my project I developed. Can I use it with this package? Is it mandatory to use fetch?
Hi, when using this library, I encountered following problem:
My Code:
```node const handler = async (req: NextRequest) => {
const reqBody = await req.json();
const openAIApi = new OpenAIApi…
In the third bullet point under "Resources" in the "FarmOS API" section of the `ONBOARDING.md` file capitalize the word "axios" so that it is "Axios".
Would it be possible for future versions of the API to use the standard `fetch` API instead of Axios? From what I've seen Axios is making the API more difficult to work with, as we don't get standard …