Even with "Block generation" set to disable, twisterd runs almost always at 100 % CPU.
Client Version:
Current mmap position: 998179
Total mmap size: 134013860
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 5, in
for block in block_reader:
File "/home/dnelson/projects/blockchain…
## Summary
We require a developer to create a system that integrates with the TON blockchain and Coursera LTI standard to facilitate the setup of student wallets and automate the distribution of in…
Várias vezes vieram perguntar "quando é que vamo faze uma bitcoin pirata?"
Seja lá qual for o motivo das pessoas, se pra fins de estudo, pra experiência social, isso realmente é uma coisa que o Parti…
There is no way of checking balances of other cryptocurrencies, such as BCH or LTC?
service v0.26.3, node v11.14.0
Hey, I'm a php dev and have been playing with some local sandbox tools to connect to blockfrost. I started by forking the [blockfrost-php](https://github.com/1happybuddha/blockfrost-php) app so that I…
With PHP 5.6 and Bitcoin 0.10.0, +Coin is sending incorrect headers to bitcoind resulting in an 500 response. I beleive this may be down to recent changes in PHP 5.6 which means that cookies are being…
"curl https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/btc/main
"name": "BTC.main",
"height": 360060,
"hash": "000000000000000000bf56ff4a81e399374a68344a64d6681039412de78366b8",
"time": "2015-06-08T22:57:08.…
I sent in an email about this and was asked to put it here...
Is there any plans to write a ZIP32 implementation in PHP? I'd love to take Sapling payments but realistically I'd need such to be done…
# Motivation
The cryptomarket is full of risk taker which really blurs the line between traders/gamblers. Even for derivatives, the CEO of Bitmex has repeatedly say that it caters to gamblers and ret…