Would you please consider supporting an TCA9548A I2C 8-channel multiplexer (e.g., [SparkFun Qwiic Mux Breakout BOB-16784](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/16784)) in order to enable more than two BME…
Hi there,
I get a nil pointer error for following command:
```csv-to-influxdb -s -d databaseName -m local_sensors bme280_sensor.csv```
This is the error message:
```panic: runtime…
I want to share the libraries I use and that I tested with the real hardware.
My setup: SMT32F030 with internal clock @8Mhz
I use this libraries, sensors and displays in other ardui…
Hey there,
i'm using pubsubclient to publish sensor values from a BME 280 sensor on an esp8266 board. Everything works fine, but I keep getting disconnects, I think I have messed up my code somewhere…
I have recently aquired the Enviro+ board and a feather M4 express from Adafruit.
I have istalled the latest CircuitPython 6 and the latest circuit python library.
After a few days, these are t…
Definition of done:
Showcase metrics scrapped by Prometheus with gauges and timeline dashboards.
Hallo Edi,
ich habe noch eine ESP8266-BME280-Kombination, die mal unter Blynk lief. Mittlerweise nutze ich aber Home-Assistant und konnte sie nun mit deinem Code reaktivieren. Vielen Dank dafür!
Dane są wysyłane do serwera - 2ga lokalizacja ale nie są parsowane.
ESP 8266 ID : 564840
W historii widać :
12:11:58 | {"esp8266id":"564840","software_version":"Smogly_2.7.9 build 19:42:0…
**Describe the bug**
When enabled the low power management using `CONFIG_PM`, STM32WL I2C doesn't work with J-Link but sometimes works with STM32CubeProgrammer using `openocd` (not `stm32cubeprogramm…
We already have both hardware I2C and software I2C working, so I would like to add some more drivers for sensors.
Can you give me some more suggestions for popular sensors used with Arduino, preferab…