How i can fix this error?
Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid signature file di…
### Problem Description
The current ROCm documentation outlines methods to build/install TensorFlow2.
However, a crucial component for multi-GPU scaling is neglected, i.e. `horovod`.
Here, bui…
Using go 1.13 fails to build on the latest release. I am mainly asking for new patch release containing the changes to the `go.mod` file.
gotestsum> vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall.go:82:…
Installing the R package resulted in the following error:
Quitting from lines 316-362 [unnamed-chunk-18] (BioLizardStyleR.Rmd)
Error: processing vignette 'BioLizardStyleR.Rmd' failed with …
# Prerequisites
Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue.
- [ x] I am running the latest version
- [ x] I checked the documentation and found no answer
- […
### official building instructions
``` sh
$ go install github.com/saucesteals/utlsproxy
go: 'go install' requires a version when current directory is not in a module
Try 'go install github…
I forked this and updated the readme so you can build and it works for anyone looking here.
Open the attached solution (.sln file is in the folder myWinFormApp) in VS 2019, it contains a library "myTest" and a project "myWinFormApp" that is referencing this library.
1. Go to the library f…
I had downloaded the zip from https://dl.google.com/android/repository/android-ndk-r25c-linux.zip
Note that it is ndk not sdk,
I had extracted it and it has directly files in it instea…
Typo in "Façade", should be Facade