some files like roles/install_netdata_agent/tasks/Centos7.yml should be renamed to roles/install_netdata_agent/tasks/CentOS7.yml
cause case sensitive fs triggers an error if not renamed
문제가 길어서 문제 읽기 힘들었고, 이 문제부터는 시스템 인풋,아웃풋을 직접 구현해야된다는 게 어려웠다.
심지어 문제에 오류가 있는지, 예시를 든 내용들이 다 자바 문제였고, 기본적으로 되어있던 문제들의 마크다운도 전혀 되어있지 않았다.
Hi @rodrigoserracoelho
WE have using this for our REST based projects
any plans for WebSocket especially for camel-cometd component ?
Camel 3 Support
adding as a potential enhancement to track 'camel routes' usage/performance metrics. Although there are some existing solutions (hawt.io), they aren't quite as focused as javamelody is at identifying…
We prompt the user for the Camel version to use for the project:
? Your Camel version (2.18.1)
But we don't validate it. So if the user enters an invalid number (9.9.9) it will just happ…
Input: https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/7/input
The Kamelets seem to require empty default values for required properties. See #13
We should auto generate these properties in the Maven archetype
### Description of the bug
When defining a new laboratory error occur because the keys values are in camel case.