Tested build: v3.0.0-b5
Test URL: http://fgpv.cloudapp.net/demo/v3.0.0-b5/prod/samples/index-fgp-en.html?keys=JOSM,CESI_Other
Keyboard navigation is stuck inside sublayers if the layer legend has be…
Analysis by @ShrutiVellanki
@JahidAhmed noticed that https://indicators-map.dev.ec.gc.ca/App/CESI_ICDE symbology stack wasn't showing up when the legend was collapsed.
Looks like a style of `vi…
Steps to Reproduce:
## Part 1a)
Pridal by som možnosť zadať do adresy štát (pre zahraničných zamestnancov - keď už nikto iní, tak Rumuni, Ukrajinci, Česi, ...).
ghost updated
5 years ago
Tested with: V3.1.0-b4
Noticed that when you click on Hide layers for the Feature/Dynamic layer, the layers are updated and hidden on map but individual legend still shows layer with check mark on.…
mpath updated
5 years ago
Per i comuni cessati per la costituzione di una nuova provincia, in SISTAT sono presenti due record: uno per il cambio di provincia e uno per la cessazione, entrambe con data di inizio e fine uguale. …
Self explanatory.
`NPRI_CO`, `CESI_Other` and `JOSM` other RCS keys work on the [current develop](http://fgpv.cloudapp.net/demo/develop/dev/samples/index-samples.html?keys=JOSM,CESI_Other,NPRI_CO)
running `pip install "rtree>=0.8,
Tested build: http://fgpv.cloudapp.net/demo/v1.5.0-8/prod/samples/index-fgp-en.html?keys=JOSM,EcoAction,CESI_Other,NPRI_CO,Railways,Airports,Barley
Test data: http://maps-cartes.ec.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/…
Trying to load a non wfs service (i.e. http://maps-cartes.ec.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/CESI/MapServer/30) fails with `Service does not respond`.
[Suspect line of code](https://github.com/ShrutiVel…