### 问题描述
小程序可以动态更新,RN APP 借助code push 之类的工具,也能够实现动态化。
### 解决方案
0. https://github.com/microsoft/react-native-…
# Code Push Server
## 环境搭建
- 安装mysql(建议使用mysql5.6,mysql8.0版本须按照[关于mysql8.0配置navicat的问题](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/36087723)进行修改)
- 服务器安装code-push-server
npm install code-pu…
ciuji updated
10 months ago
If binary to which CodePush is done contains v1.4 of react-native-config, and current code is updated to react-native-config v1.5, ENV variables are not set, they are undefined. If binary to which Cod…
App ID: 007a2cb9-86ee-4f73-90db-1d3322af1863
Getting below error when running shorebird preview :
➜ flutter_codepush_poc git:(main) ✗ shorebird preview
✓ Fetching releas…
i saw your source code in Themeablebrowser.java getImage function,as follow code:
is = cordova.getActivity().getAssets().open(file.getPath());
but with cordova-plugin-code-push,the wwwImage path c…
Will their be any future plans to support this plugin for **W10/WP10** when building an **.APPX**? Right now the only way I can get it to work is with **WP10** and **.XAP**. Ty
@manuelkch can we update this to release `0.4.0` to include the release cordova action?
Today I was writing tests and get this error related to `app idle`
t = 23.06s Assertion Failure: :0: Failed to scroll to visible (by AX action) Button, 0x6000003827d0, traits: 8…
> 如果第一次更新成功,后续的更新都失败,那么需要把服务器上的更新历史清空,再提交新的更新。只有这样才能更新成功。
清除codepush历史后成功可以升级了。请问这个情况什么会出现?我是切换过了 mysql 用户,切换了部署地址之后出现的
_Originally posted by @canyara in https://github.com/lisong/code-push-serv…
运行react-native run-android时,无法通过编译,请问怎么解决?
/Users/bo/Documents/work/react/30DaysofReactNative/android/app/src/main/java/com/threetydaysofreactnative/MainActivity.java:4: 错误: 找不到符号
import com.micr…