In order to reduce noise on the channel, we can send IRC messages without actually joining the channel by [imitating the Github IRC hook](https://github.com/github/github-services/blob/master/docs/irc…
Pourquoi ne pas créer un hook qui mettrais a jour le site automatiquement? En cumulant cette fonction avec celle de l'issue https://github.com/haum/combot/issues/2 ca pourrait etre totalement automati…
En cas d'erreur lors de la "compilation", le site de production est effacé.
Peut être envisager de garder le site avant modification dans ce genre de situation?
The cause, as I see it, is that when an user has too many hosts assigned to them, Combot sets +b on every hostmask without a delay between them, causing it to quit for excess flood.
The two obvious s…
The cause, as I see it, is that when an user has too many hosts assigned to them, Combot sets +b on every hostmask without a delay between them, causing it to quit for excess flood.
The two obvious s…
Combot won't respond to commands with control codes used anywhere in them
I suggest (see: request (see: demand)) a feature for combot that works as following: If someone keeps using a word that's disruptive and nerve wreaking (like "man") with a certain frequency (like more…
Stack Trace:
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.b__5(System.Object)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context(System.Object)
at System.Thr…