Hello everybody,
In the training courses of how to use the CSLA with the MVVM pattern Mr. Lhotka propose to use the Bxf framework. As I notices the ViewModelBase class, from which inherit all the view…
I haven't had a need to use the Csla.Rules.BusinessRules.GetAllBrokenRules method before now, and I hit something unexpected. I was attempting to flatten the broke rule descriptions into a single lis…
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `bniemyj...@codesmithtools.com` on 19 Dec 2010 at 12:42
Trying to step through the HttpPortalController controller from Csla.Web.Mvc5 (.Net 4.5.1), the loading of symbols fails with a Not Found. Other symbols load fine.
We have an old legacy windows application based on CSLA framework 1.5.3 and Net Framework 1.1. The Net 1.1 is no more supported from several years. So now we must and want to upgrade our windws applic…
Having a problem when using LazyGetPropertyAsync on a business object, I've put some code examples to show the basic structure of this issue. As soon as I call BeginEdit (After a fetch) I am getting t…
Out of curiosity, is it possible to view the source code and debug CSLA dlls installed from NuGet? I never done something like that but I read somewhere that it is possible provided that the p…
It’s been a couple of years since the last time I did any serious work with Microsoft tools so I am trying to get up to seed with some of the changes that have been going on revolving around V…
I need a sample code/article to understand implementation of CSLA business rules in ASP.NET MVC.
I want to use facebook, tweeter and gmail authentication using identity server. What should I do to configure Identity Server with our appserverhost (csla lib project)?