In keymaps/mark-ring.cson: Use the `atom-text-editor` tag instead of the `editor` class.
In keymaps/open-project-in-tower.cson: Use the `atom-workspace` tag instead of the `workspace` class.
![screen shot 2018-06-14 at 8 50 29 pm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1833020/41449228-a754e1c2-7014-11e8-9c23-c78965397d14.png)
'ctrl-cmd-u': 'sftpdeployment:uploadcurrentfile'
I have the above in my keymap.cson but it is not working...what am I missing?
I actually tried to fix this in the tcl.cson file by adding "|dict" to the list on line 46, but that crashed my editor so I guess it's not that easy.
It would be nice if the settings supported additional patterns for increasing/decreasing indent as per the SQL settings: https://github.com/atom/language-sql/blob/master/settings/language-sql.cson
[This project's page](https://www.npmjs.org/package/c50n) on the npm site lists the repository, bugs, and homepage under the name `cson`, not `c50n`. Please update the npm registry so that people can…
Atom version 1.8.0 release, Win10 64-bit
Steps to reproduce (verified with `find-and-replace` and `activate-power-mode`):
1. Open Keybindings tab, search for a package or key combination
2. Disable/e…
- Is there an easy way to know whether sync is still ongoing? From the code, seems it will show SYNC_SUCCESS_MESSAGE somewhere when sync is finished.
- But it would be great if we know sy…
warning ember-frost-bunsen > ember-redux-shim > broccoli-replace > applause > cson-parser > coffee-script@1.12.7: CoffeeScript on NPM has moved to "coffeescript" (no hyphen)