The behavior I'm looking for is to async submit a form whenever once of its number inputs changes, and update the HTML accordingly.
The number input itself is being generated programmatically via a…
## Checklist
3.15 added support for unique constraint validators in serializers: https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/pull/7438
This unfortunately breaks when it comes to list seriali…
# Создание REST API для Django проекта
## Описание
REST API с аутентификации по токену. Токены должны быть двух типов — пользовательские и администраторские. Пользовательские токены позволяют тол…
Current release supports only Django 1.9 and Django REST 3.3, Although there are many new releases for the same.
Is there any planned development for this amazing library to add support for latest …
Hi. I've wrote a serializer field to use django-measurement with django rest framework beacuse i could'n find it nowhere.
Something near this was discussed [here](https://github.com/coddingtonbear/dj…
I want to implement a login feature on my backend service.
Implement a login service with Django Rest Framework APIs
Create react front end (+ choose CSS framework )
Convert the Django project into a rest API instead of using templates
Update testing.
How to use django defender with django rest framework token auth?
Its not getting failed attemps on token auth
FedeG updated
6 years ago