Looking at the code reference handouts ([example](https://datacarpentry.org/r-socialsci/instructor/intro-R-handout.html)), I have a few suggestions to improve their usefulness and utilization:
1. A…
If one uses two consecutive asyncio.run() in the asyncio library, everything should be alright. Because as far as I understood `asyncio.run()` is supposed to both create & close an event loop.
### Summary Sentence
In TPS we use "goatherd" to refer to the person nominated to chair and facilitate weekly meetings. In the RCM team, the "goatherd checklist" lists the actions required of the g…
I would like to suggest a couple of minor updates to the Introduction to R and Starting with Data episodes' content on indexing/subsetting.
- The [Intro to R](https://datacarpentry.org/…
# ⭐ 🚀 Hello and Welcome to the Git Good Workshop! 🚀 ⭐
This issue accompanies the Git Good: Introduction to GitHub workshop developed by the Research Community Management team at The Alan Turing In…
I would like to raise a question about the way `pivot_wider` and `pivot_longer` are presented in the R for Social Sciences lesson. It can be a very challenging set of functions, but the fact th…
The `SAFI_clean.csv` dataset currently linked from [Setup](https://datacarpentry.org/r-socialsci/index.html#setup-instructions) and originally from [figshare](https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/SAF…
Short version: **are you are willing to volunteer your lesson for early transition to The Carpentries Workbench
Longer version below:
As I hope you are already aware, @zkamva…
I am finding it harder to recommend learners use R Markdown after the workshops, given the recent development of [Quarto](https://quarto.org/). Quarto is supported in RStudio and is developed on many …