Currently, trap loans only record things you have loaned, but not things you have. It would make sense to link trap loans to a stock item so that you know what you have for loaning.
If you toggle a medical hud, the health bar will no longer appear
Possible fix: I believe it's a prediction issue since health bars are client-only unlike the other equipment HUDs, so make the toggl…
- [x] As a trainer for a piece of equipment I want to be able to mark people who have finished the training quiz and attended a training as trained on a piece of equipment.
- [x] As an admin I wan…
Lan2u updated
2 weeks ago
Say hi to author team.
this metabci project is a great job.
while i checked 'brainflow/amplifiers.py' , there is only Neuroscan, Neuracle, and Curry8. These equipment is fantasy good, while i am…
### Describe the bug
I noticed just now that using VulkanMod v0.4.8 for MC v1.21.1 any piece of leather equipment looks dyed even when they're not dyed at all.
With VulkanMod:
### Who is requesting this?
ATN DAC original funders, manufacturers, & data contributors
### What is being requested?
Deployment start and end dates from the hardware by default include times when …
1. It can be seen in docs/ER Diagram.png that there was likely intended to be 5 tables part of the schema, but there are only 3 in the schema, with some seemingly being combined. Either the schema sho…
topo_message keys use `"boundary_switches"` and `"distribution_transformer"`
should use `"boundary_equipment"` instead
As a part of a complete procedure of a treatment, disposal equipment usage should be accounted for in terms of calculating the treatment cost / in deduction report
Expected behavior:
- able to ad…
Costs assumed for ultrafiltration account for "total project costs" used in the source rather than direct equipment costs. We should revise to reflect the [reduced] cost relationship attributed to dir…