What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
I noticed that the newsfeed for my blog throws errors which means it doesn't validate. I want to have my feed added to an aggregator which does not accept invaid feeds.
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…
What new or enhanced feature are you proposing?
To support RSS Version 2.0 or Atom 1.0 feeds.
What goal would this enhancement help you achieve?
Greater interoperability with the Syndication su…