Choose three, midlevel difficulty kattis exercises to solve.
Ensure that the three problems cover separate topics, that are also different from the one used in our own created problem.
Start by lo…
# Quote and collateral tokens cannot be added at the maximal price
## Summary
Trying add quote or collateral token in the bucket with the maximal supported price (`1_004_968_987.60651…
# 問題概要
次を $N$ 回行う。
- $a, b, c, d, v$:$a\leq x < c$ かつ $b\leq y < d$ となる格子点 $(x,y)$ に $v$ を加算。
次に $Q$ 回答えよ。
- $a\leq x < c$ かつ $b\leq y < d$ となる格子点に加算された値の総和を求める
## 制約
I'm fully willing to allow 7-Zip-zstd as well as mainline 7-Zip to support .B3K files (the compressed files created by MY program known as BWTC32Key, available at http://b3k.sourceforge.io as well as …
Check https://github.com/kunal-kushwaha/DSA-Bootcamp-Java/blob/main/SYLLABUS.md for progress.
Feel free to propose and/or implement new data structures, I will add them to the list below :)
List of data structures that would be great to see in this repo:
- [x] Sorted List
# Unscaled value of collateral causes invalid LP price when taking and removing liquidity
## Summary
When rewarding a taker or calculating the amount of deposit to withdraw and LP tok…
Binary Indexed Tree (BIT) or sometimes people called fenwick tree is a data structure that can be used to efficiently update elements and calculate [prefix sums](https://en.wikipedi…
want code for fenwick tree