no colors are visible after i print the gantt chart.how can i make the
colors of the shadings to be visible when i print the page
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `moopi...@yaho…
no colors are visible after i print the gantt chart.how can i make the
colors of the shadings to be visible when i print the page
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `moopi...@yaho…
no colors are visible after i print the gantt chart.how can i make the
colors of the shadings to be visible when i print the page
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `moopi...@yaho…
@ramnathv A big plot I use in my work is to view discourse as a faceted Gantt chart as seen here:
I have utilized ggplot2 to take a dataset…
no colors are visible after i print the gantt chart.how can i make the
colors of the shadings to be visible when i print the page
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `moopi...@yaho…
# Logbook: 1
**Meeting No:** 1
**Date:** 2024-11-15
**Start Time:** 11 A.M
**End Time:** 11:30 A.M
## Items Discussed
- About the proposal report. We reviewed…
Currently we have only `closed`
saturday are closed
sunday are closed
2018/12/29 is closed
So, I would like to request to hide weekend or specific date from gantt chart
saturday …
I've been trying to figure out a way to hide the "Percent Complete" functionality.
I tried removing the property or setting it to `null`. It ends up showing `Percent Complete null%`
Add Communication so we can send data to draw a Gantt-scheme
A Gantt chart icon would be really useful for many (project) management apps: