The first four links in the Explore column…
EMIS highlighted that the meta.profile is not present in the request payload. Jonny Rylands has confirmed that the meta.profile should be included in the payload. **Not to validate**
Request to remove the following JWT tests from the HTML test suite:
JWT requesting practitioner does not contain a practitionerRole
JWT requesting practitioner practitionerRole does not contain a …
- The Document Format section under Document Guidance (https://developer.nhs.uk/apis/gpconnect-documents-1-0-0/accessrecord_documents_development_documents_guidance.html) gives a list of formats or fi…
Spec refers to 1 - 1 mapping between warnings and notes fields
(On behalf of microtest)
With a response with an authorised request for a drug
(So MedicationRequest.intent = order).
Testpack then tests for MedicationRequest.basedOn being populated. This app…
EMIS have increased their validation checks on **Register patient** request payload and Jonny Rylands has confirmed that the meta.profile should be included in the payload.
This was identified by EMIS on the back of assurance testing 0.5.2 version.
- Scheduled End Date needs to be changed to Schedule End
Spec https://developer.nhs.uk/apis/gpconnect-0-5-2/accessrec…
Where there is only a start or end search date then the date in the banner is to be within a single quote to be consistent with what happens for a start and end date banner.
Relates to Demonstrator…
The test provider suite currently checks for "Encounters" in the Section Title for Encounters on Summary View. This is incorrect and should be "Last 3 Encounters" as per the spec here : https://develo…