Let's write some more [tests for the MCC](https://github.com/nasa/podaacpy/blob/master/podaac/tests/mcc_test.py) which work with the following URLs
It would be fantastic to have a static option for Fred elements.
Just the same way static elements work in the MODX core.
Only a few of my stations are plumbed in to my flow meter. When a station without the flow meter runs, the previous station's flow rate is stored in the logs. It should store a 0. The attached …
Any chance support for multiple godeps could be added? Ie, `Godeps` and `Godeps.dev`
Would it possible to change the package extension from *.tar.gz for example to *.gpm?
Maybe as option or with a config file?
In addition to the GPM IMERG PLP values, we can also grab precipitation phase information from NLDAS-2 and MERRA-2 for each citizen science observation.
First off, amazing library and thanks for creating this.
Have you checked closed issues? https://github.com/Textualize/textual/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed
Please give a brief but clear…
您好, 我在用你们这个版本源码编译的时候遇到各种问题,比较头疼。 有没有详细的源码编译二进制的文档