I was following the [installation steps](https://h5z-zfp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html) to compile HDF5, ZFP, and H5Z-ZFP on my system. However, the `make check` fails with a datatype err…
I am wondering if it is possible to use directly keras with its native model (h5) on jetson. Since keras is pretty high-level, I am not sure for what reason it has to be converted to TensorRT format.
Copied from https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/2614 by @ukoethe:
After updating HDF5 to version 1.8.16 (specifically, https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/free/win-64/hdf5-1.8.16-vc14_0.tar.bz2), I ge…
I have saved the yolov3 tiny model into HDF5 format. However, when I try to load the model using keras load_model function I get this error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Save_Model.…
类似于hello h5+或者hello mui这种成熟的app示例,真心希望UniApp能越走越远,取代并完全超越hello mui,甚至取代react native和weex,将来被更多的互联网公司认可和支持。
社区有 react-native-web 方案,支持把 RN 转成 web,你们有没有考虑过集成进来或者自己开发一套用来支持 web 端?
we need components and bridges, hopefully won't double the work...
Finally we need a wiki doc page for all the native plugins/bridges... @xiaoming20152015 please go ahead and create a minimal wiki in…
看README和demo里面好像只有 页面发请求到native ,有native发到前端的包装器吗?
Taro(多端统一开发框架)正式发布 1.0 版本,在延续了之前版本优秀特性的同时,新增了更加丰富的特性与功能,并进行了多项小程序端/H5 端的转换及性能优化,同时带来了对 React Native 的转换支持。
I'm experiencing an issue where I'm changing the view on the same page according to the state value, effectively toggling between two different views. However, when I switch from the first view (page)…