Hi there is some misssing links / not working links in Unit 7:
- A leaderboard getting the match history results and displaying the models’ ELO ratings: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface-…
This feature is not yet implemented. Now that your program works with 5-card hands, what are the challenges of implementing this new feature? How can you refactor your current program to add the new f…
When I disconnect from wifi and connect to mobile data, Xray4Magisk doesn't refresh tproxy rules, so connection is not working until I do it by my hands in KSU Web UI of Xray4Magisk
I think there's a…
Hi Rockstars,
This is a list of proposed Hands-on tasks. If you're new to StarRocks and eager to engage with the community, here are some issues that are well-suited for you to dive into :) These …
- [x] unit testing
- [x] mocking
- [ ] (integration testing)
- [x] regression testing with oracle testing
- [x] best practices
- [x] modularising code for easier testing
- [x] how to use ora…
i'm currently stuck on the step: Installing the Required Karaf Features
when i run the code below:
frazer@frazer-Islandora:~$ sudo /opt/karaf/bin/client feature:install activemq-blueprint
i g…
### Issue Summary
What should I change in the code(s) to visualize the keypoints as they are obtained when running the OpenPose 3D (with multiple cameras) also with OpenPose 2D (on single camera)? In…
We should add rotating auto-clicking hands to add a little bit of lolz to the otherwise static page.
I'll come up with a graphical element for this, but someone should prepare the code.
**Issue by [Summoning01](https://github.com/Summoning01)**
_Monday Oct 05, 2015 at 23:07 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/ccshiro/cc-buglist/issues/1912_
Steps to reproduce:…