Currently TypeSpec adds a newline (\n) at the end of every line except the last of a multi-line string. This is consistent with the behavior of many HLLs like JavaScript and Python. But those langua…
Need an HLL-friendly model for lvalue semantics; see [wiki:WhyDoesNQPGenerateInefficientCode].
Originally http://trac.parrot.org/parrot/ticket/1524
* https://github.com/jordipons/ICASSP2017
* https://github.com/rabitt/icassp-2017-world-music
* https://github.com/rabitt/icassp-2017-hll
Would anyone out there have some idea on how to install this extension if I have my PostgreSQL installed in Windows?
POSTGRESQL_HOME = C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\16
But trying to install it usi…
Sucredb would be a great fit for those structures, even if it probably can't support all commands reasonably.
- [x] Sets
- [ ] Sorted Sets
- [x] Counters
- [x] Hash
- [ ] HLL
- [ ] Lists
here is a table
`CREATE TABLE `table_v2` (
`date_partition` date NULL COMMENT "xxx",
`date_time` datetime NULL COMMENT "xx",
`is_some` int(11) NULL COMMENT "xxxx",
`uuid` hll HLL_UNION NU…
Various HLLs need the ability to attach arbitrary handlers on subroutine/scope exit. (e.g. tcl's [trace])
Originally http://trac.parrot.org/parrot/ticket/1523
Distinct counts aren't very valuable to cost-based optimization because they can't be easily merged. They should be removed. As a replacement, look into storing HLL buffers if they aren't too large.
I noticed a bug in SparseHll::toDense while porting HLL algorithm to C++.
I made a graph representation of how intermediate and proving systems are interconnected, it's not the best but it's a good starting point.
See: https://harryr.github.io/zklangs/ and https:…