We've had a few publishers recently where the `datagetter` hasn't fetched their data due to inability to verify the certificate. This is caused by the lack of full certificate chain being installed on…
I would appreciate guidance on proper configuration to support installation of a CA-signed certificate for external HTTPS connections. I am restricted to generating CA-signed certificates for a give…
Hi everyone,
I was not able to start-up my local server due to an expired certificate, the reason is https://eclipse.dev/jetty/configure_10_0.dtd
Here is a stacktrace:
2023-10-16 09:58:5…
Firefox does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for www.alloytools.org. The certificate is only valid for the fo…
Hi bro,
I use sample code and change APIKEY my account has over 2usd but error:
`from exc
aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorCertificateError: Cannot connect to host api.capmonster.cloud:44…
Pip 24.2+, on Python 3.10+, you get truststore by default: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/topics/https-certificates/#using-system-certificate-stores / https://github.com/sethmlarson/truststore
As I …
When using the docker form of HFS and making a ssl certificate in the admin interface. you may get network error and connection error after admin interface makes the certificate. while stopping and st…
find a way to authorize self-signed
I assume it's simply expired
someone@aserver:~$ wget https://phpmongoadmin.com/install/default.sh -O - | bash
--2023-11-24 09:01:03-- https://phpmongoadmin.com/install/default.sh
Resolving …
The Elastic Agent can receive porxy and TLS configuration for fleet-server thorough its CLI, during install/enroll, and the policy. The configurations from the policy take precedence over the CLI, how…