ApkTrack always fails to read update information from the Öffi and Guardian Project: "No update information found"
But the F-Droid client has no issues reading and parsing the repository data from th…
I think we should have Anoncoin Qt have a question dialog on first use: "download bootstrap from anoncoin.net?" yes/no
Better would be if i2p router is there to download the torrent from I2P-snark
good template for reworking I2P onboarding docs.
Some servers in the [list](https://github.com/tianon/pgp-happy-eyeballs/blob/5fbde2b074976644b75d6d7e4c6426b6794b0c0e/child.go#L17-L68) work fine, others are unresponsive ("connection timed out" or "n…
Some feedback we got from @mikewest, in a [blink-dev I2P](https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/dafizBGwWMw/m/ZGT0bZsBBAAJ):
> Including low-entropy hints along with high-entropy h…
Hello is possible to have a server enforce option to give ramdon non-sense nicknames to people when they join the server? and of course dissalow a /nick change. This is for anonymous servers that will…
. Implementing Obfuscated Transports
Purpose: Obfuscation makes I2P traffic appear like normal web traffic or any non-identifiable traffic pattern, helping evade firewalls that block based on t…
### Description
SSHD could raise the target JDK runtime to JDK 17 or more.
### Motivation
This would allow raising some dependencies: