As per the instructions I execute
`bibsearch add bib://list`
and getting the following error
acl The ACL Anthology [https://aclanthology.coli.uni-
nips T…
Hello, thanks for open-sourcing the great work!
I'm following the example on the main README for Mixed quantization + 2:4 pruning. I can run until ```python spdy.py rn18 imagenet 8 mixed --dp``` wi…
Many of the formats that Pandoc can read & write support interactive form fields - eg. HTML, Word, ICML.
It would be great to see a way to have this information read into the AST and then output to…
- [ ] [cleanlab/README.md at master · cleanlab/cleanlab](https://github.com/cleanlab/cleanlab/blob/master/README.md?plain=1)
# cleanlab/README.md at master · cleanlab/cleanlab
cleanlab helps y…
I just installed and got the following error:
bibsearch add bib://list
acl The ACL Anthology [https://aclanthology.coli.uni-
nips The NIPS conference [https…
I saw examples where head of a dog is cut and overlayed with head of a cat. How do identify these specific portions of the body - or how do identify these important portions of the two objects.
Or i…
Is the code for the benchmarks described [in the paper](http://proceedings.mlr.press/v80/falkner18a/falkner18a.pdf) here somewhere? I wasn't able to find it.
Filtered FTX Dump such as:
"title": "Affective computing and intelligent interaction : 4th international conference, ACII 2011, Memphis, TN, USA, October 9-12, 2011; proceedings / Sid…
At some point (probably after AISTATS submission), we should talk about extreme classification. I'm putting a bunch of links here so that I don't forget about them. There's some good background mate…