Hi All,
I followed steps on https://github.com/imodeljs/imodeljs-samples/blob/master/README.md to build interactive app devleopment setup.
After I run npm run start:servers, the test web popped…
Maybe I'm doing something wrong here, but I am initializing UiFramework with a custom store instance, and as a result the Viewer component throws this error:
BentleyError.ts:400 Uncaught Error…
**GltfReader** can't support byteStride property in bufferView. It causes reality meshes to not be displayed. Hope to support byteStride. BufferView ref:
This is super important. Before adding more functionality to the puzzle file, it needs to be versioned. As in, the file needs a "Version" field, something like this: https://docs.docker.com/compose/co…
Yesterday, "imodeljs/desktop-starter" was updated as 2.6.0.
And I tested the new version ""imodeljs/desktop-starter" on Win 10 64bit & Chrome.
The process of "npm install" is ok!
The process of "…
I have just upgraded ver 2.6.4.
However, unfortunately the combined Reality Mesh + MicroStation Model is not displayed on Snapshot mode of ver 2.6.4.
And interestingly enough only the Reality Mesh …
Is a dedicated server (such as a caesium server or S3MXECPlugin Server) required for a Reality mesh file (.3xm, 3.3sm)?
Or is it possible to work with imodeljs with simple file hosting?
Yesterday, "imodeljs/desktop-starter" was updated as 2.6.0.
And I tested the new version ""imodeljs/desktop-starter" on Win 10 64bit & Chrome.
The process of "npm install" is ok!
The process of "…
Can you update the package to latest version of dependent packages and publish a new npm package. Its very old and refer to packages that are outdated.
I am getting runtime error for @bentley/imodeljs-win32-x64 after webpack bundling, please suggest the way so that I can generate a Production build. here is my webpack config below