From my research, [TypeScript 5.0 Decorator](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-5-0.html#decorators) support more type-safe decorator, however, most popular typeScri…
### Preflight Checklist
- [X] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines](https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) for this project.
- [X] I agree to follow the [Code of Condu…
### Describe the bug
Hey all,
I'm trying to use inversifyJS (a DI container) together with vite. inversify heavily depends on decorators, therefor nothing will work, unless experimental decorato…
Nice Work!
To be clear, this is a question no a bug.
In the `readme`,
you said
> This will bundle your devDependencies in while leaving your dependencies, peerDependencies and optionalDependencie…
## Expected Behavior
We should use in all our code / examples / docs (and recommend using) `Symbol.for(key)` to create new symbols instead of `Symbol(key)` because it is unsafe!
## Current Behavi…
Add an `examples` directory with a simple app of each of the following frameworks/libraries. The samples should make use of Reflection and have their tests run on CI. This will provide examples for de…
## Expected Behavior
Should ensure that InversifyJS works with Node 16 by adding Node 16 to CI.
## Current Behavior
No CI for Node 16 yet.
## Possible Solution
Add Node 16 to CI.
Currently, we support dependency injection at the constructor level only.
In the past we had inquiries about a beforeAll dependency injection scheme that would inject dependencies before all or bef…
import { EntityTarget, Repository } from "typeorm"
import { injectable, unmanaged, inject } from "inversify";
export abstract class RepositoryBase implements IRepository {
khteh updated
11 months ago
Why did you decide to use InversifyJS instead of Tsyringe?