I am getting the follow error when trying to connect to the IoT Hub
Fatal exception 3(LoadStoreErrorCause):
epc1=0x4000bf64, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, …
What does this error mean? Because I can see the device online
Possibly other boards are effected, too. Compare the following program
``` C
int main(void)
uint64_t test = 0xabcdef0123456789;
printf("%llx\n", test);
Trying to build your project, I got this error:
> Executing task: platformio run <
Processing m5stack-grey (platform: espressif32; board: m5stack-grey; framework: arduino)
PIO Core Call Error: "The current working directory /\\platformio\\esp32cam will be used for the project.\n\nThe next files/directories have been created in /\\platformio\\esp32cam\ninclude - Put proj…
I'm attempting to run the library on an STM32 "[black pill](https://wiki.stm32duino.com/index.php?title=Black_Pill)". I see #defines in the code, and a couple of closed issues here, indicating at leas…
Any plans on adding the [Artik](https://www.artik.io) as one of the supported boards for the mraa library? The Artik team recently released a [commercially available](https://www.artik.io/blog/2016/wh…
We plan to use BME680 on GrovePi and would like to know if there is any plan to add this sensor support? I see https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/Seeed_BME680_V1/ available, with Arduino IDE
Hi Y'all,
about some hours I get this error on all my devices:
[WSc] Webservice disconnected from sinric.com!
the WiFi works fine and the connection to other service also works.
It's a sinric s…
Processing esp32cam_seeed_xiao_esp32s3_sense (board: esp32cam_seeed_xiao_esp32s3_sense; platform: espressif32; framework: arduino)