My source file is in **C:\wso2\product-iots**.
> mvn clean install "-Dmaven.skip.test=true"
from windows power-shell, cygwin, and git bash shell. in all cases getting foll…
Wishlist by Catalog
## AI
- [x] https://flowiseai.com
- [x] https://portkey.ai
- [ ] https://www.danswer.ai
- [ ] https://chat-preview.lobehub.com/ (名称:LobeChat)
- [ ] https://fastgpt.in
wvp容器日志at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy90.selectOne(Unknown Source)
at org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate.selectOne(SqlSessionTemplate.java:160)
at org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperMethod.execute(MapperM…
The STA entity model has a single global namespace. In many IoT scenario's and services like `ThingSpeak` it is convenient to have multiple "contexts" (users, customer, projects etc) in a single serve…
@kyessenov commented on [Thu Jan 26 2017](https://github.com/istio/old_pilot_repo/issues/62)
Proxy manager should be in charge of routing UDP traffic. There are many pieces needed for this to work:
Currently, when adding a reservation, it must be part of the address range for the scope.
This seems like an unnecessary limitation.
I understand that it needs to be in the same subnet, but Ope…
I was trying to emulate the following firmware, and after a long night to install the required tools.
i ran in to a strange thing, it didn't get any ip and no interface was created.
Warning: inva…
As we describe [here ](https://github.com/eclipse-hono/hono/issues/3455) This is an issue in order to qualify Hono as a replacement for Google IoT Core customers. In Google Iot Core clients can send c…
Have you ever considered to use [IOPA-ZWAVE](https://github.com/iopa-io/iopa-zwave) instead of OpenZWave? I know OpenZWave is a mature thing, but installing it on different platforms is a huge pain. A…
Genomes to fields:
Points of interest: http://slipo.eu/
Record linking: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK253312/#ch4.s3