In order to send and read user json data through kafka,
we will change the source that sets consumer and producer of kafka.
I am trying to work with the basic tutorial involving Kafka:
It's not working. It seems that you user i…
One question:
uReplicator is up and running and replicating from Kafka cluster A to cluster B; along the way, the worker thread crashes with the below error. Hence message afterwards are not replic…
Filing this because docs say to create a bug when seeing this error: https://kafka-python.readthedocs.io/en/master/apidoc/KafkaClient.html#kafka.client.KafkaClient.check_version
I am getting this e…
## 背景
监控是Spark非常重要的一部分。Spark的运行情况是由ListenerBus以及MetricsSystem 来完成的。通过Spark的Metrics系统,我们可以把Spark Metrics的收集到的信息发送到各种各样的Sink,比如HTTP、JMX以及CSV文件。
- ConsoleSink
- CSVSink
- JmxSink
- Met…
can you help me to solve this problem . thanks
**Describe the issue**
Publishing messages using `.setHeader("spring.cloud.stream.sendto.destination", "output binding name here")` gives me the following exception:
Caused by: java.lang.Clas…
I have verified this on Linux and Windows, even though the output below is from Linux:
user1@CY1-WL-337:~/dev$ python3.12 -m venv venv
user1@CY1-WL-337:~/dev$ source venv/bin/activate
Hi , i tried to use your plugin in its last version : 16.8.0
The gradle version is 4.10.2, java 1.8.0_221
Added this tou my build.gradle file :
`buildscript {
repositories {
I followed other steps
But when I run python Run.py, it had errors
(Hung3.7) D:\Download\SimplaPlatoon-master>C:/Users/PKNU/anaconda3/envs/Hung3.7/python.exe d:/Download/SimplaPlatoon-mas…