Prior to filing: check that this should be a bug instead of a feature request. Everything supported, including the compatible versions of TensorFlow, is listed in the overview page of each technique. …
GRU operation in circle can be defined in two ways. During conversion from Keras, it may be converted into :
- Single "Custom" GRU operation as in (onert-micro) https://github.com/Samsung/ONE/pul…
- [ ] [cleanlab/README.md at master · cleanlab/cleanlab](https://github.com/cleanlab/cleanlab/blob/master/README.md?plain=1)
# cleanlab/README.md at master · cleanlab/cleanlab
cleanlab helps y…
I am trying to recreate the results of subtask B, 2 way classification of the tweets, and I have taken the following steps:
change the TASK = 'BD' in model_target.py
When I try running mo…
Are text classifiaction huggingface models supported? I'm getting invalid graph when running this:
import os
from transformers import TFBertForSequenceClassification
import keras2onnx
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
9 )
---> 11 trainer.t…
I just found this library which seems really nice! Thanks for make it available. One quick question: is there a simple way to use delft with a custom model? I want to try a keras model and use delft b…
Package the keras/tensorflow cats/dog image classification model.
### Issue type
### Have you reproduced the bug with TensorFlow Nightly?
### Source
### TensorFlow version
### Custom code
### OS platform and distribution
I realy appreciate your works on PyGAD!
I'm using it to make some chaotic learning with thousands of model, and a greedy fitness function. the parallelization is realy efficient in my case.…