I'm unable to sync my KMM project and use the library.
```A problem occurred configuring project ':shared'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':shared:iosArm64CompileK…
### Description
on `Pressable` android_ripple={color: XXX} doesn't work correctly.
Here are issues:
- when user configure the android_ripple={color: "#FF0000"} => the ripple color is grey. Wha…
Let's focus on bug fixes and general improvements for this update. React Native also now updates to 0.76.X and improved the overall performance. I also want to bring Android back #3 and work on some m…
When using compose 1.7.0-rc01 application crash when fast typing 'return/enter' button. Sometimes it happens when fast typing multiline text
Here minimal reproduce example. https://github.com/Gimaz…
I'd like to be able to initialize and use Rust from multiple languages at the same time [in the same process].
Example use case:
From React-Native Javascript, call into Rust which then calls out…
#### SDK and version
SDK : RealmKotlin
Version: 2.2.0 (Core 14.12.0)
#### Observations
* How frequent do the crash occur?
* Does it happen in production or during dev/test?
**Describe the issue**
Running JUnit Jupiter tests on Kotlin `1.9.0` fails when running under GraalVM (`nativeTest` via Gradle). See [reproducer project](https://github.com/sgammon/kotlin-1.9.0-gvm-r…
# Problem
A cli like `circom`, foundry, `create-react-app`... is helpful for developers getting started with a new project.
## Details
- create a `mopro-cli` directory including the following com…
This code is impossible to deserialize:
data class EditPromoCodeRequest(
val code: String? = null,
val owner: UserQuery? = null,
sealed interface…
There is no Kotlin Native Linux x64 template in the store despite the fact that a [template](https://github.com/napperley/openfaas-kotlin-templates/tree/master/template/kotlin-native-linux-amd64) exis…