The mapping file is configured to provide (and it does)
in the JSON output, this gets lumped with the sampledFeature
Tried to install the plugin on Godot 3.1.Alpha 4 official and it failed to load with an error of:
Unable to load addon script from path 'res://addons/zylann.hterrain/tools/plugin.gd' There seems…
For appendices numbered >= 100 the table of contents is not working correctly, at least with my LaTeX compiler on Ubuntu 16.04:
> A.100Parameters in section Mesh refinement/Boundary . . . . . . . .…
Announced [here](http://lists.maptools.org/pipermail/proj/2017-November/007849.html); I already asked for a version number change in the github master to permit downstream conditioning. It looks as th…
Hi there,
I am running the intraplate compression model with visco-plastic material model. Since I add both the diffusion and dislocation rheology, I found two questions.
1. The formulation of th…
Alluviale sedimenter -> Alluvial sediments, Alluvium
Alluviale vifter -> Alluvial fans
Anvendt geologi -> Applied geology
Fanerozoikum -> Phanerozoic
Fluviale prosesser -> Fluvial processes
pism_config:lithosphere_density = 3300. ;
pism_config:lithosphere_density_doc = "lithosphere density used by the bed deformation model. See [@ref LingleClark, @ref BLKfastearth]" ;
juseg updated
7 years ago
This is not really a PISM issue, but an agenda item. Or not: close at will.
I ran `valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ./pisms -ye 100`. Reading the output (attached) it is clear tha…
Customizing Markers
You may download a PDF of these directions here: https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/phoenixassets/object-oriented-java/Module%204%20PA%20Instructions.pdf
Just like in modu…