*tssh 登录服务器后,内置支持 [trzsz](https://trzsz.github.io/cn/) ( trz / tsz ) 工具,传文件无需另外新开窗口。*
# 我在对目标机器也安装tssh后,仍然如此
~# sz
-bash: sz: command n…
# 注意
## DHCP分配IP上网
- minimal版建好后上网
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
sudo vi ifcfg-ens33
# 修改BOOTPROTO=dhcp,ONBOOT=yes。
systemctl restart network
## NAT固定IP
0. 在本机以太网设置共享给VMnet8
cisen updated
2 years ago
## 购买机器
- 这里以阿里云机器为例,其他云的机器也没问题,注意是CentOS系统即可。
- 如果没有机器的话,请购买。有机器请略过,直接往下看。
I want to copy all output text then copy to a local file to do searching/filtering purpose. How can I do that?
Currently the only way I can use is to use mouse to select text and scroll all the way…
Hello, I encountered a problem when compiling dpdk using openwrt21.02 source code. How can I solve it? Thank you
openwrt source code repository
#### powershell 禁止运行脚本
`set-executionpolicy remotesigned`
This is a truly nice feature in kitty for kernel dev:
E.g. if I have some test VM, FPGA board, SBC or similar, for which I might only have IP th…
Similar to iterm2 on mac, you can use the imgcat command to display images directly in the terminal, and use the it2dl and it2up commands to quickly upload and download files.
### Describe the bug
After update to the latest commit of master branch, my router report following log:
[ 58.818619] qca8k-ipq4019 c000000.switch lan3: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow cont…