### Prerequisites
- [x] I have written a descriptive issue title
- [x] I have searched existing issues to ensure the bug has not already been reported
### Mongoose version
### Node.js versi…
sasp1 updated
1 month ago
I'm using a useFactory to register mongoose-sequence plugin for my Schema, but it doesn't work because of @type check.
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { …
It'd be really nice if I could create Mongo/Mongoose Adapters using a connection object instead of a connection string.
I want to create some mocha tests and today I have to keep a database running…
Fawn is not working well with the new version of Mongoose (6.0.4). Getting error when using "Fawn.init(mongoose)". The new version of Mongoose implemented severals changes.
# mongoose에 typescript 적용하기
## interface 정의하기
스키마에 정의할 내용들 먼저 Interface로 정의한다.
_id와 같은 도큐먼트에 포함된 것을 사용하려면 mongoose에 정의된 `Document`를 사용한다. (상속)
## statics
모델의 static 함수를 정의하기 위해 interface를…
0sinf updated
2 years ago
How can I Populate my nested objects with Mongoose?
Thank you for your answer!
Please add support for Mongoose OS as it is very quick to develop with Espressif 32 and others.
Event 득표결과 보일 때에 vote document 기준으로 aggregate 해서 집계
-> eventId에대해 index 걸고 사용하기