Hey guys, looking at recent pull requests and issues, it looks like a common interest of contributors (On top of NMT obv) is Abstractive Summarization.
Any suggestions of how to train a model that …
[jenkins@mr-0xp3 2o4gpu-ppc64le-cuda9_master-ESA3O5KYICOMNJZ2XIJAVONAQEUPFXSUWARE7V4KDS6YGKSOMSQA]$ top
top - 21:34:03 u…
just wanted to make you aware of this repo. Still very early stages but enough there to bring it out in the open. Still uploading files in the coming days/weeks (travelling at the moment)q
@jni …
There were additional topics discussed that could not be turned into coherent notes after the fact.
## Action items
* TensorFlow team to create a block diagram and then go deeper. Goal is to h…
Hi Kizmuz, First of all congratulations for this really great job!
OK, I have trained my workers, and here you are some questions:
Do you have some code to test predictions with their model?
Hi all,
Some news.
## PR freeze
We are preparing the release of Keras 2, as well as the integration of the Keras API directly into the TensorFlow repository. Subsequently, we are declaring a …
Currently I train a network(20 blocks and 256 filters). It initialized from b8adb7da(78) n2n to 20b 256f. And it is now being trained to b3a80524(99). According to unofficial test by others, it is muc…
refer to https://arxiv.org/pdf/1702.08835.pdf
Welcome to contribute for this.
Okay hoping I am posting this for the right repo as y'all have more then one repository (halcyon and WHIP-Server). I am testing on a local machine (not in full grid mode at the moment as I am just te…